Directions? Most of our meetings occur at our location in Maryville, Missouri. The address is 121 E. Jenkins Street.
Where do I park? There is a parking lot located on the corner of Market and Jenkins across the street from the main entrance.
When are the services? There are Sunday School classes for all ages (even kids!) at 9:30AM on Sunday mornings, followed directly by corporate worship at 10:45AM Sunday morning.
Is there anything here for my kids? YES! We have Sunday School classes for kids of all ages at 9:30AM. A greeter will gladly show you to the room for your child's age group. We also have nursery services during Sunday School as well as during the Sunday Service. FBC Kids is a junior church program we do for kids K-4th during the service as well. Your kids will stay in the main service through worship, and then they will be dismissed. On Wednesdays, we have FBC Kids for kids preschool through 4th grade, and Youth Group for students 5th grade through 12th grade. Those programs run from 6 to 7:30PM.
What should I expect? We aim to make everyone feel welcomed and right at home here at FBC. Most people dress casually - but people wear everything from jeans to business casual to suits. Our service is about Jesus Christ, so we use a blending of contemporary worship songs and hymns to say great things about God and give our praise back to Him. On Sundays, our services usually begin with an opening song or two, followed by a welcome, more worship, and then some time in God's Word under preaching. We will typically end with a closing worship song. Children who want to participate in FBC Kids Church will join the main congregation for worship, and then be dismissed right before the sermon. A typical worship service ends around noon.
How can I get my family connected? Upon entering the foyer on the south side of the building through the glass doors, ushers and greeters will help you and your family get settled in the proper place. Most Sunday School classes for children are located on the lower level, with stairs accessible from the foyer. The nursery and restrooms are located on the east end of the building, around the corner from the foyer. We would love for you to join us for Small Groups on Sunday evenings as well! You can find connection cards in the back of the pews to fill out so we can get in contact with you, or you can fill it out on our website too if you missed it at the service!